7/10: Building Your Life on the Right Foundation

We wrap up the Sermon on the Mount by looking at how Jesus teaches us to build our life on the right foundation.


7/3: The Scariest Passage in the Bible?

To many Jesus’ words towards the end of the Sermon on the Mount are some of the scariest verses in the Bible. We dive into why this passage is so scary but find hope at the same time.


6/19: Good & Bad Fruit

This week Michael Eldridge teaches on what Jesus means when He talks about good fruit and bad fruit and we see how it ties to the some of the previous sections of the Sermon on the Mount.


6/12: The Narrow Road

What does Jesus mean when He talks about taking the narrow road? We look at how taking the path Jesus has for us isn’t just a one time decision but found in the choices we make daily.


6/5: The Golden Rule

Many of us were taught the Golden Rule as kids: do unto others as you would them do to you. Did you know that this teaching originally came from Jesus as He taught us how we should live? Guest preacher Brad Mortensen speaks more into this topic in this sermon.


5/29: Ask & You Shall Receive

What does Jesus mean when He says ask and you shall receive? Can we receive ANYTHING that we ask for in prayer? What do we do with unanswered prayers in our lives? Join us as we explore these issues.


5/22: Dogs, Pigs & The Gospel

What does Jesus mean when He tells us not to give pearls to pigs? Join us as we discover what that means in relationship to the Gospel.


5/15: There’s Something in Your Eye

Jesus says His followers are not to judge, but what does that mean? Join us as we talk about being judgmental, using our judgmental and having a plank in our eye.


5/8: The Worries of Life (Mother’s Day)

Life comes with lots of worries yet in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus calls us to not worry. How do we live a life like this? Jesus invites us to bring our worry and anxiety to Him!


5/1: God or Mammon?

Who is the ultimate master in your life? Who or what do you choose to serve? Guest preacher Felicia Larson joins us to talk about having our trust and our allegiance ultimately in Jesus.


4/24: Where is Your Treasure?

Where is your treasure? What does your heart desire most? Is Jesus at the center of your desire? Join us as we try to take inventory of this.


4/10: Palm Sunday

On this Palm Sunday we have a special service with people sharing what God has done in their lives as we praise our King who has come to save us!


4/3: How to Forgive

How many times do I have to forgive someone who hurts me? How do I forgive when it is difficult? In this sermon we talk about how looking at Jesus helps us realize how we can forgive others ourselves.


3/27: Jesus’ Model Prayer

We experienced many technical difficulties during this service and we apologize! The sermon starts late but here is our sermon the Lord’s Prayer.


3/20: Right Actions, Wrong Motives

Jesus again calls out hypocrisy among the followers of God. Jesus points out that we can do the right things but have the wrong motives in our hearts.


3/13: Do I Have to Be Perfect?

Jesus tells His followers to be perfect because God is perfect. Yet, we all seem to fall short of that standard. So what do we do?


3/6: Love Your Enemies

Jesus not only tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves but to also love our enemies. In this sermon guest preacher Steve Dang unpacks what that looks like for us.


2/27: Revenge

What does Jesus mean when He says to turn the other cheeks? Is Jesus saying that His followers simply have to accept when someone is violent against them? Guest preacher Eric Yang addresses all of this as we continue in the Sermon on the Mount.


2/20: Speaking with Integrity

What does Jesus mean when He tells us to not swear on oath? What does He mean to simply just say yes or no? We dive into the call that Jesus has for us to be people who speak with integrity.


2/13: What Does Jesus Say about Lust & Divorce?

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus calls His disciples to live in a way that is counter cultural. That is definitely the case as Jesus describes how His followers are to live in terms of lust and divorce.


2/6: Reconciliation

What would it be like if we took Jesus’ words seriously to leave our offering and go be reconciled to someone? In this worship service we get an actual physical example of what that might look like.


1/30: Did Jesus Just Call Me a Murderer?

Jesus shows us that He looks at so much more than our actions; He looks at our hearts. Jesus calls us to examine the anger that we have inside of hearts as we continue exploring the Sermon on the Mount.


1/23: Religious Hypocrites

Jesus has strong words for the Pharisees and religious leaders who were hypocrites. But what exactly made them hypocrites? And in what ways are we actually like the Pharisees? Join us as we explore what Jesus has to say.


1/16: Salt & Light

Jesus says that His followers are supposed to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. What does that mean? What would it look like if we as followers of Jesus took this seriously? How would our communities change?


1/9: To Fulfill the Law

What do we as followers of Jesus do with the Old Testament? What does Jesus have to say about the Old Testament? We look at that in this week’s sermon.


1/2: #Blessed

What does it mean to be blessed? Jesus turns the idea upside down when begins the Sermon on the Mount!